Dear Matthew Bellamy,
(lead singer/guitarist for the band Muse)
(lead singer/guitarist for the band Muse)
over the weekend
you were spotted in paris
with kate hudson.
this is a travesty

i am of course referring to your pants.
i am not big in celebrity crushes or anything
but if you remember
when i picked a hollywood someone to go on a
pretend date with
i didn't pick rob

or eric

or ryan

he's hot. but can't act.
i picked you.
and while i realize you were engaged like 6 months ago,
that didn't bother me.
shes was some no one,who we never saw and so it made keeping the dream alive, a little easier.
also, you were always a lay low kinda celeb, i only saw the most random pic of you
in the daily mail
now, if you are with kate hudson, not only will be seeing her everywhere
(making the illusion of your singledom harder)
but we will also be seeing you everywhere.
ruining the allure of your mysterious ways.
badly done matthew, badly done.***

***p.s. 10 awesome points to anyone who can name the movie
that line is from.
Oh, I have no guesses but I can tell you I adored this post.
Mr. Knightly to Emma Woodhouse after the huge debacle at the picnic when Emma and Frank Churchill were making fun of Mrs. Bates and the fact
that she talks entirely too much and never has anything clever to say.
{As a side note, I freaking love Mr. Knightly}
I am only slightly embarrassed to say I don't know Matthew. I'm sure I would if given a full face view... or a last name... fine excuses excuses.
Matthew who? I need a freaking last name! That pic is telling me nothing!
the funny part about this post is the comments not knowing who matthew is. I only knew from when you posted a few weeks back and knowing the obscession for Twilight but seriously? His pants are horrific. I guess being british allows you to wear those types of things. ick.
Beetlejuice pants.
Not to flaunt my love for Miss Austen or anything, but that quote is from Emma! Mr. Knightly is not too happy with Emma for saying some rather insensitive (rude) things to Miss Bates and scolds Emma for it.
Wow, I cannot believe anyone would be seen with pants like that. Not loving them.
Ryan can act. It's not his fault he plays a dumb redneck.
Rob's short hair is super sexy. He was so adorable on Leno.
Kate Hudson is such a whore.
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